Copyright Root River Current 2022
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February 2025

John Weiss introduces us to high school students and their hands-on learning about rainbow trout and the delicate balance of conditions needed to grow them into big trout.

Greg Lovell visits Neighbors in Action, a La Crescent nonprofit working to keep seniors in their homes.

John Torgrimson 'warms us up' to a public sauna business in rural Houston County.

Original photography from southeastern Minnesota featuring nature scenes and community activities.

Tom Brudvig explores the growing sport of girls’ wrestling in southeast Minnesota

Inside the Winona Arts Center: John Torgrimson introduces us to activities available to the southeast Minnesota region.

An excerpt from the book "Buggy Land" about life in Amish country by author Mary Swander.

Nature inspires Berta Aug’s poetry. Two new poems from this local author.

At the turn of the 20th century, ski jumping was a growing sport in Southeast Minnesota. Steve Harris and John Torgrimson follow the history to its roots in Lanesboro.

David Phillips shares the story of a southeastern Minnesota woman’s hobby that’s become a mission to restore headstones and preserve memories for local families.