Poetry: Double Vision & More

A poem inspired by an image is called an Ekphrasis poem. This photo inspired the poem Double Vision. The photo was taken in September 1987 – “the corn still standing, with fall color (and gravel dust) in the distance.” The barn has since been torn down, but the rainbow door was saved. (Photo by Berta Aug)
Double Vision
A rainbow greeted us
Across a wide river
A moonlit rainbow
Calling for intuition,
And spirit and wonder
Magic, the feminine –
Another rainbow is
As a gift from my sister
Gracing and watching over
Me ‘neath a
Wide, prairie bluff
The farm – a place of reflection
Welcoming newfound stories
Of double rainbows from above
Winter’s Up-Sweep
Snowdrifts’ creation
All-white divinity peaks
Candy’s enchantment
Looking through the
Barren twin peaks
Ever so frosted
In white, clingy, hazy
Icy remnants
Balancing the age-old
Bridge trestle
No longer in use
Framing the river
Like sconces
On a wall
Electric sconces
Transformed from
Indoor lights
Into nature’s shining gifts
Thank you
Besides her global travel, nature inspires Berta Aug’s poetry and prose. She resides in the valley of wooded Buffalo Grove outside Preston.