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Poetry: A Tanka & Two Haiku

By Jeff Gorfine, January 14, 2025

(Photo submitted by Jeff Gorfine)

Poetry: A Tanka & Two Haiku


Editor’s note: Jeff Gorfine shares two styles of short form Japanese poetry — haiku, a Japanese a seventeen-line poem that is written in a three-line 5/7/5 syllable structure, and tanka, a thirty-one-syllable Japanese poem or song traditionally written in a five-line 5/7/5/7/7 syllable structure.



clearing west and south
branched-lightening never not seen
somewhere                   sometime then

at the edges of towns
open roads like no others
curving here and there
moseying by soybeanCorn
distant farmyard lights star struck


brown-green-tan contours
hot spring sun readying the soil
a knoll being disked





Jeff Gorfine of Rochester is a dad; retired community worker in areas of mental health, poverty, corrections & education; writer of strung-words; lover of reading, long walks, and  ridin’ backroads.



Root River Current’s coverage of literary arts is made possible, in part, by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts & cultural heritage fund.

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