(Original artwork by Diane Knight)
Poetry: Rearrange, Begin Again
please rearrange……
your thick wall of opinions
so death and decay can wiggle in
chiseling cracks, opening room
for seeds and roots to grow
turning your prison wall to dust
so you, naked and glowing,
full of wonder, may float freely
in the very, very blue
of the very, very blue sky
begin again
like plucking a loose string
pulling a bit more and bit more
unwinding what was something
back into a pile of possibility
like throwing ink onto paper
because a clean sheet is terrifying
like old barn boards and rusty nails
waiting to become something new
like broken bits of the old cottonwood
rearranged into intricate patterns
on the dense floor
like the early morning fog
crowding out the long view
fitting snugly into each crevice
blurring the edges of everything
like an old poem with an old theme
struggling to go deeper, wider
like a life unraveling into possibilities
looking for a new song to sing
© Diane Knight 2022.
To learn more about Diane Knight, read the article The University of Diane. Visit her Root River Current poetry post Those Darn Feelings to read or listen to Diane share two additional poems.
Diane Knight of Whalan, Minn. is an artist and poet. She is the author of Putting Down Words, a book of poems and doodles.