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HomeBusiness & WorkYour Leadership Can Make A Difference in Root River Current’s Third Year

Your Leadership Can Make A Difference in Root River Current’s Third Year

By Root River Current Staff, March 03, 2025
2024 RRC founding board of directors

Root River Current’s ‘Founding Board Members’ celebrating the first year of publishing in 2024. (Photo by Gene Bergstrom)

Your Leadership Can Make A Difference in Root River Current’s Third Year


ROOT RIVER VALLEY—Just a year ago, Root River Current (RRC) celebrated its first year of publishing. And already, we’re marking a second full year — and RRC’s leadership team couldn’t be more thrilled than it is to reach this landmark!

As of January, subscribers to RRC’s weekly newsletter have increased to over 600 (a 50% jump in the past year); even before adding Bluesky this past month, social media followers on Facebook and Instagram have grown to nearly 800; and RRC stories received over 5000 views in January alone!

This month, March 2025, Root River Current begins its third year and YOU could be among those who contribute momentum to this dynamic team as a member of its Board of Directors

RRC is currently reaching out to potential directors throughout the greater Root River Valley-area who could add their experiences, knowledge and leadership skills to support RRC’s growth. 

You Can Make A Difference!

Adding directors of all ages and backgrounds from Houston, Winona, Olmsted and Mower counties is particularly important as RRC continues to grow its regional coverage. The board’s vitality — and that of Root River Current — is only as strong as its board, and the ideas, enthusiasm and encouragement its members share toward growing RRC into something even better.

As a governing board, directors provide strategic direction, legal and fiduciary oversight, and staff management. Its organizational work includes coordinating marketing, fundraising, and resource development.

As a working board, directors contribute their time and expertise to content development, raising money, promotional campaigns, enhancing and extending Root River Current’s presence in the community, and collaborating with its staff to meet publication goals and deadlines.

The Board typically meets four to six times each year; responsibilities may also include attending committee meetings, donor events or community outreach activities. Read more about Board responsibilities here.

Interested? Have questions? Email co-chairs Steve Harris or John Torgrimson at info@rootrivercurrent.org for additional information.



Root River Current Board of Directors Co-Chairs

Steve Harris is a freelance writer and author. 



John Torgrimson is managing editor/co-publisher of Root River Current.


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