Winter Storytelling Workshop

Sandbar Storytelling Festival, in partnership with Saint Mary’s University, is offering a winter series of workshops on the folk art of storytelling. The series is open to beginners, as well as more experienced storytellers. The workshop will be eight sessions on Saturday mornings from January through April. Terry Visger of Tales by Terry, a storyteller for over 24 years, will lead the sessions.
Participants of the workshop will be introduced to the art of telling traditional folk and fairy tales, ghost stories, historical stories, personal stories, and tales from other lands. They also will learn how to form, remember, and tell family stories or simply learn better storytelling techniques for your classroom or profession. With this fun and active workshop, you will be able to explore the stories you want to tell.
Visger says she loves stories of all kinds and truly believes the phrase from one of her stories: “It is hard to hate someone once you know their story.” So, come on! Tell your story; it would make a great holiday gift!
Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
St. Mary’s University Performing Arts Center (PAC) is located in the southeastern corner of Main Campus between the Krueger Library and the Integrated Wellness Complex.
Figliulo Recital Hall | Saint Mary’s University, Winona Campus
700 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN
Sandbar Storytelling Festival & St. Mary's University:
Admission price:
$80 for adults | $40 for college students